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Fleetway St. - a guide to your favourite fun comic strips and stars!


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  Shiver & Shake characters and strips...

 Tough Nutt  Softly Centre
    Tough Nutt
   and Softly Centre

 Rough and tumble Tough Nutt would constantly berate
    and tease the wimping Softy Centre, only to fall foul of his
    own scheming, over and over again... 

    Yes, it's that old Fleetway favourite theme of the bully-boy
    getting his come-uppance, just like Ivor Lott & Tony Broke,
    Fit Fred & Sick Sid and the rest. But this one was different,
    because - well - it was all rather camp, as it happens.

    There were the obvious aspects of Softy's behaviour, sniffing
    flowers, being prone to little tantrum-like outbursts, etc.
    But young Tough Nutt also portayed some interesting traits.
    He had that preference for hot pants and tight Tee-shirts,
    off-set by a cheeky school cap. And he was always
    showing off his biceps and "performing" in front of his
    drippy friend...

    Okay, okay, so even if there was a secret agenda here it
    wasn't particularly sophisticated. This was the beginning
    of the 70s and part of that more innocent era, where your
    particular preferences were supposed to be left at home,
    behind closed doors and windows.

    So was this brave, or forward-thinking, or just plain
    subvertive? The only thing we know for sure is that it was
    a Fleetway fun strip and it was published each week in
    Shiver & Shake throughout the comic's short run...



  Tough Nutt
  Softy Centre
  Facts & Figures

  1st appearance:

  & Shake #1
  10th March 1973  


  & Shake #79
  5th October 1974

  Original artist:



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all characters and strips © Fleetway / IPC Magazines / F2006